By IBI 的见解
2016年4月29日城市或郊区? 无车还是穷? The convenience of online commerce or brick 和 mortar authenticity? No 短缺 of 墨水 has been spilled speculating about the preferences 和 motivations of people born between 1980 和 the early 2000s, 通常称为"千禧一代”. Despite this intense focus, conclusive outcomes have been few 和 far between. 他们最近超过了婴儿潮一代,成为最大的群体 生活 和 工作 这是美国和中国的第一代 加拿大, at a time when mobile digital technology becomes the most significant technological shift since the automobile, 他们做出的选择将是塑造21世纪的核心st 世纪城市. 那么我们对千禧一代的偏好了解多少呢? 首先,也是最重要的,这不是一个有凝聚力的团队! 根据美国人口普查,事实上,它是 最多样化的. 抛开规模和多样性不谈 广泛的 研究 和 数量 处理, 一种微妙的观点开始出现, with important indications about the environments 和 lifestyles that 千禧一代 will desire as they settle down.
Contrary to many suggestions, 千禧一代, myself included, 没有集体行动 去昂贵的大城市的市中心. 但他们 不要急着去郊区 要么. 相反,为了满足他们对温文尔雅的渴望, 市中心外的城市社区 是主要的目的地. 住在离工作和/或学校近的地方, with plenty of spaces 和 places to meet friends 和 where 汽车拥有量 is an option, not a necessity, are key selling points for this generation.
期待, 一些人认为, 就像他们成年生活的许多其他方面一样, 千禧一代只是在拖延 搬到郊区. 对一些人来说,传统的郊区已经足够了, 但对很多人来说, a move outward will need to be accompanied by similar extensions of urbanity. 那会是什么样子呢?
就像邻居一样, housing 和 mobility preferences in post-war suburbs conspired to make the car king, 千禧一代的偏好可能会导致无车时代, 或者至少是可以选择汽车的郊区. 适合步行的街道,拥有优质的交通设施, along with shops to satisfy daily needs 和 a few places to get a coffee or meal within walking distance could be the foundation for the millennial suburb, or “城市郊区”. 在住房方面, 太空并不能胜过其他一切, but it is a key reason that people choose to move beyond the confines of inner-city 住宅,特别是当他们 开始的家庭. 记住这一点, a private or neighbour-shared yard or terrace is appealing, but shouldn’t compromise the walkability or affordability of the neighbourhood. 除了可步行的街道和便利的交通, infrastructure that makes bicycling a realistic 和 comfortable option, along with readily available car-share options will ensure that the mobility preferences of this generation, 他们的到来 孩子们,得到了很好的服务。.
So what does this mean for cities 和 the range of actors 工作 to shape them today? 而不是试图预测许多人的影响 颠覆性技术 on the horizon, a 数量 opportunities can be identified. Walkable neighbourhoods are more conducive to local shops, neighbourhood daycare 和 even 啤酒厂. 在步行, 骑自行车和公共交通可以使拥有汽车变得不必要, 仍然有最适合汽车的旅行, 对孩子来说也越来越如此. In those cases, car share is a much more affordable option – 和 another 增长市场. 最后, 规划, architecture 和 development firms with a commitment to good city-making have the prospect of extending their work beyond the inner-city into the relatively untapped swaths of suburban sprawl. 经济繁荣, enhanced social cohesion 和 a big step towards real environmental sustainability. The 城市郊区 presents an opportunity to apply many of the lessons city-makers 和 city governments have learned since embarking on a post-1950 campaign of dispersion – creating healthier, 更快乐,更赚钱的地方.